Monday, April 6, 2015

Revelation 10:1-11


Revelation 10:1-11

The is the interlude between the seven trumpets and the seven bowls. An Angel appears and John starts another chapter. This will be between the Trumpets and the Bowls. There is a big difference here. Trumpets were  used to bring people to Christ. The seven Bowls do not have that intension. I will learn along with you as to what is going to happen.

 Rev 10:1  Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, surrounded by a cloud, with a rainbow over his head. His face shone like the sun, and his feet were like pillars of fire.

The speculation here is that this is the same Angel that led Moses through the wilderness. The cloud, pillars of fire etc. The face that "shone like the sun" has some people believing that this is Christ because of a similar description in the transfiguration Mat_17:2. Christ is not an angle and has ever been referred to as an angel so that is unlikely. The cloud is  usually described the presence of God in the Old Testament (Exo_13:21; Exo_40:34;). The rainbow had been a promise to Noah that God would not destroy the earth again with a flood (Gen_9:8-17). The feet like pillars of fire may remind you of the pillar of fire in the wilderness (Exo_14:20). If you put all that together the Angel has God's blessing.

Rev 10:2  And in his hand was a small scroll that had been opened. He stood with his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land.

This the second of two scrolls, this being the lesser is the most potent. Do not let the word lesser fool you it may be smaller but since the angel is now enormous, which changes the level of the meaning. From the Life Application New Testament Commentary "This angel standing on the sea and on the land indicates that his words would affect all creation, not just a limited part, as did the seal and trumpet judgments. The seventh trumpet (Rev_11:15) would usher in the seven bowl judgments, which would bring an end to the present world. When this universal judgment comes, God’s truth would prevail."

Rev 10:3  And he gave a great shout like the roar of a lion. And when he shouted, the seven thunders answered.  
From" The seven thunders appear in Revelation 10:1–7. In his apocalyptic vision, the apostle John saw a mighty angel striding the sea and the land with a scroll in his hand. The angel gave a shout like the roar of a lion, and then the voices of the seven thunders spoke. Just as John was about to write down what they said, a voice from heaven told him to “seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down” (Revelation 10:4).

The incident of the seven thunderous voices occurs in the interlude between the sixth and seventh trumpets. The seven thunders are not just the usual noise of thunder but are thunder-like voices communicating a message. The Greek word translated “thunder” means “to roar.” Thunder is often a mark of judgment in Scripture as in 1 Samuel 2:10, 2 Samuel 22:14, and several more places in Revelation (8:5, 11:19, 16:18), so these seven powerful voices are crying out for God’s judgment upon the sinful earth. The thunder represents the voice of God. Psalm 18:13 says, “The LORD thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded.”

Further evidence of the seven thunders being the voice of God is in Revelation 4:5: “From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. Before the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God.” Again the voice of God is depicted as thunderous rumblings that display the power, majesty and glory of our mighty Lord. In this verse, John saw a preview of the divine wrath to be poured out on the earth as described in full in Revelation chapters 16—19.

Just as John was about to write the words of the seven thunders, a voice from heaven commands him to seal up what was revealed by them. The same throne that issues forth lightning and peals of thunder issues a command to keep secret what the voices have revealed. The reason for the sealing is not given, but it could be that the judgment was simply too terrifying to be recorded. The content of the message is never revealed in Scripture, so we can’t speculate on it. The seven thunders are the only words in Revelation that are sealed."

Read more:

Rev 10:4  When the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write. But I heard a voice from heaven saying, "Keep secret what the seven thunders said, and do not write it down." Rev 10:5  Then the angel I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand toward heaven. Rev 10:6  He swore an oath in the name of the One who lives forever and ever, who created the heavens and everything in them, the earth and everything in it, and the sea and everything in it. He said, "There will be no more delay.

This is self explanatory but it is now obvious that God has reached his end of redemption and is now claiming the Earth as his own.

Rev 10:7  When the seventh angel blows his trumpet, God's mysterious plan will be fulfilled. It will happen just as He announced it to His servants the prophets." Rev 10:8  Then the voice from heaven spoke to me again: "Go and take the open scroll from the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land."

Life Application New Testament Commentary" “Mystery” is a key word in the New Testament. The word is almost synonymous with the word “revelation.” In the Bible, the word “mystery” refers to a divine secret. All of time has been pointing forward to this moment. All prophecy will be fulfilled—everything will occur just as God had announced to his servants the prophets. From the very beginning, God had promised that, despite the peoples’ sin, he would one day defeat evil. From the moment Adam sinned, all of history has been pointing toward this blowing of the final trumpet."

Rev 10:9  So I went to the angel and told him to give me the small scroll. "Yes, take it and eat it," he said. "It will be sweet as honey in your mouth, but it will turn sour in your stomach!" Rev 10:10  So I took the small scroll from the hand of the angel, and I ate it! (He read it) It was sweet in my mouth (it was God's word), but when I swallowed it, it turned sour in my stomach (You may not like what it says). Rev 10:11  Then I was told, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings."



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